Tax and Compliance Reports

These reports are used for tax and compliance reporting to the various taxing and regulatory authorities.  They typically generated once a month, after the last bill run of the month.  However, the reports can be run for any date period (monthly, quarterly, yearly).  The available reports are:

Billing Tax Reports - Data for these reports is populated from taxes calculated by the billing engine.

  • Federal Taxes
  • State Taxes
  • County Taxes
  • Combined Taxes

TBS Tax Reports - Data for these reports is populated from the taxable Transaction Credits and Debits.

  • Federal Tax Credits
  • State Tax Credits
  • County Tax Credits
  • State Taxes Credits by County
  • Federal Tax Debits
  • State Tax Debits
  • County Tax Debits
  • State Tax Debits by County

Line Count Reports – Data for these reports is populated from the billing engine.

  • Add Addresses Dupe Check
  • Line Count Report

Revenue by State Reports – Compliance data populated from the billing engine.

  • Revenue by State – Retail
  • Revenue by State - Wholesale